Scientific Program

During presentation and discussion sessions, along with outdoor activities, each participant will have the chance to exchange ideas with experts from gravitational lensing, but also mathematics, statistics, and machine learning, in order to seek and provide solutions to problems in their respective area of research.

THURSDAY, September 15

Morning (9:00 - 12:00)

9:00-9:30: Welcome, introduction, and spirit of the meeting (30min)

9:30-10:30: LO21 Working Group (WG) presentation and status report
“Caustic crossing forecast” - Josh Fagin, Eric Paic, Favio Neira
“Finding high redshift quasars” -
Cameron Lemon

10:30-12:00: Presentations - part A
Strongly Lensed Type II Supernovae as a Cosmological Probe” - Jana Bayer
“Constraining quasar structure with high frequency signal in microlensing light curves” - Eric Paic
Automated lens finding: results and prospects” - Javier Acevedo
“Extention of GR Accretion Disk Model to Include Intrinsic Variability” - Henry Best

Chair: Austin Peel

Lunch: we stay at the same place and discussion can continue at the tables

Outdoor activity/free time

Afternoon (17:00 - 19:30)

17:00-17:40: Presentations - part B
“Automated Modeling of Strongly Lensed Quasars” - Sebastian Ertl
“Joint Multi-channel Deconvolution for the Next-Generation Astrophysical Surveys” - Utsav Akhaury

17:40-19:00: LO21 Working Group (WG) presentation and status report
“Exploiting the diversity of lens modeling methods to probe lensing degeneracies” - Aymeric Galan
“Speeding up joint modelling of strong lenses with resolved kinematics” -
Matt Gomer

19:00-19:30: WG breakout session
Further development of each WG’s ideas and remaining tasks.

Chair: Matt Gomer

Dinner: we stay at the same place and discussion can continue at the tables

FRIDAY, September 16

Morning (9:00 - 12:00)

9:00-10:00: Presentations - part C
“Multi-scale lens modeling techniques” - Aymeric Galan
“Quasar microlensing high magnification events” - Favio Neira
“Self-consistent modeling of angular structure in stellar mass, light, and dark matter in strong lensing galaxies” - Quinn Minor

10:00-11:30: WG breakout session
Further development of each WG’s ideas and remaining tasks.

11:30-12:00: WG status report
Report on the progress made by the WG spokespersons.

Chair: Lyne Van de Vyvere

Lunch: we stay at the same place and discussion can continue at the tables

Outdoor activity/free time

Afternoon (17:00 - 19:30)

17:00-18:00: Presentations - part D
“Lensed quasar search in optical surveys” - James Chan
“Generation of galaxies with different morphologies” - Stefan Hackstein
“Machine learning on LSST like light curves” - Josh Fagin

18:00-19:00: WG breakout session
Further development of each WG’s ideas and remaining tasks.

19:00-19:30: WG status report
Report on the progress made by the WG spokespersons.

Chair: Fred Dux

DINNER: Lensing odyssey 2021 re-union dinner (all welcome!) at “metohi vai” restaurant

saturday, September 17

Morning (9:00 - 12:00)

9:00-11:00: Presentations — part E
“Black hole mass estimation of 14 gravitational lensed quasars” - Alejandra Melo
“Searches, biases, and kinkiness” - Cameron Lemon
“Lens finding and machine learning” - Benjamin Clement
“An introduction to Transformers: applications, open questions and potential for cosmology” - Luca Biggio

11:00-12:00: Final report from the LO21 WGs and discussion
Final report on the projects, timeline of remaining tasks, a paper draft.

Chair: Sebastian Ertl

Lunch: we stay at the same place and discussion can continue at the tables

free Afternoon

sunday, September 18

free day - excursion

monday, September 19

Morning (9:00 - 12:00)

9:00-12:00: A Review of Model-Based Deep Learning for Astronomy
The goal of this session will be to review the fundamentals of how to use Deep Learning alongside physical models within a sound Bayesian framework, for robust inference and uncertainty quantification.
Speaker: Francois Lanusse

Lunch: we stay at the same place and discussion can continue at the tables

Free time

Afternoon (17:00 - 19:30)

17:00-17:30: Discussion on the morning session
Follow up discussion on the ML review from the morning

17:30-19:00: Brainstorming, suggestions of new, exciting problems to work on
The participants should engage in a lively discussion, propose, and build up new projects to work on.

19:00-19:30: Discussion on the proposed projects
Collecting the proposed ideas and providing feedback/brainstorm all together on them. We will aim to refine these initial ideas.

Chair: G. Vernardos

conference dinner at “hiona” restaurant

tuesday, September 20

Morning (9:00 - 12:00)

10:00-10:15: Coordination to form new WGs

10:15-12:00: New WGs breakout session - part A
Further development of each WG’s ideas. Repositories and latex documents with a skeleton of each project are encouraged! We should be creating a clear picture of the projects/papers born at this meeting.

Lunch: we stay at the same place and discussion can continue at the tables

Outdoor activity/Free time

Afternoon (17:00 - 19:30)

17:00-18:00: Report of the WGs and round table
Further brainstorming on the progress and potential bottlenecks of the developments since the morning session.

18:00-18:15: Coordination to break into WGs

18:15-19:30: New WGs breakout session - part B
Further development of each subgroup’s ideas. We should now aim for some plots!

Chair: Dominique Sluse

Dinner: we stay at the same place and discussion can continue at the tables

wednesday, September 21

Morning (9:00 - 12:00)

9:00-10:00: Report of the WGs and round table
Further brainstorming on the progress of each project, presenting some plots.

10:00-10:15: Coordination to break into WGs

10:15-12:00: New WGs breakout session - part C
Further development of each WG’s ideas. We should be incorporating the various feedback received so far.

Chair: Timo Anguita

Lunch: we stay at the same place and discussion can continue at the tables

Free time

Afternoon (17:00 - 19:30)

17:00-18:00: Final report of the groups and round table
The WGs should present what they have come up with during the meeting.

18:00-18:30: Discussion on setting goals and how to proceed
Where do we go from here?

18:30-19:00: Final new WGs breakout session - part D
Final discussion among the WGs to plan how to proceed with the completion of their projects/tasks.

19:00-19:30: Summary of the meeting
Speaker: Timo Anguita

Chair: Fred Courbin

Dinner: we stay at the same place and discussion can continue at the tables

end of the meeting